Old Dhaka Painting by Artist Sadek Ahmed | www.sadekahmed.com | +88 0177070574 | artistsadekahmed@gmail.com

সাদেক আহমেদ ছাপচিত্র বিভাগ, চারুকলা অনুষদ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে প্রথম বিভাগে অনার্স ও মাস্টার্স শেষ করেছেন।  তিনি মূলত জলরং মাধ্যমে কাজ করার পাশাপাশি অন্যান্য মাধ্যমে ও কাজ করেন।

সাদেক আহমেদ ১টি একক ও দেশ ও দেশের বাইরে ৩৫ টির বেশি গ্রুপ প্রদর্শনী করেছেন। সাদেক আহমেদ জলরং, ছাপচিত্র ও তৈলচিত্রে " শ্রেষ্ঠ মাধ্যাম " পুরস্কারে ভূষিত হয়েছেন ।

বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক, হোটেল ইন্টারকন্টিনাল ( শেরাটন ), ইউনাইটেড হসপিটাল, সিটি ব্যাংক, রেনেসাঁ গ্রুপ , ইজুমি, পপুলার ডিগনেস্টিক সেন্টার ,  শিল্পকলা একাডেমী   এবং  দেশ ও দেশের বাইরে বহু ব্যাক্তিগত সংগ্রহে শিল্পী সাদেক আহমেদ এর শিল্পকর্ম রয়েছে।

Artist's Contact: +88 01770705474
Email: artistsadekahmed@gmail.com
Website: www.sadekahmed.com
SKYPE: sadek.ahmed353
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sadekahmedbd
LinkedIn: https://bd.linkedin.com/in/sadek-ahmed-85238731
PERSONAL WEBSITE : www.sadekahmed.com

I am Freelance artist. I  have experienced about 20+ years on the field of  Visual Arts.  Watercolor Painting and Printmaking is my passion. I completed BFA ( Hons) and MFA Degree  from Dept. of Printmaking, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh with 1st Class . As a fine artist I did 1 solo exhibition and more than 35 group exhibitions and workshops at home and abroad. And I got  1 Honorable and 2 Media Best award for Watercolor & Printmaking  from Annual Art Exhibition of  Faculty of Fine arts, University of Dhaka.

COLLECTION: Bangladesh bank, Hotel Intercontinental, United Hospital, Bengal Foundation, Shilpokola Academy, Renaissance Group Limited , Popular Diagnostic Center and Many private collections to Home and Abroad. 

Cell No: +88 01770705474
Email: artistsadekahmed@gmail.com
Website: www.sadekahmed.com

FB Profile : https://www.facebook.com/sadekahmedbdartist
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sadekahmedbd

2002:  Media best award in water color, Annual art Exhibition, Institute of Fine
art,University of Dhaka.
2003:  Media best award in Print making Dept.at  annual art Exhibition, Institute of Fine
art,University of Dhaka.
2006:  “Rambrat-400”  Honorable Painting award organized  by Netherlands Embassy& SPBA.

2010:   1st Solo Print Exhibition titled IMAGE of LIFE, Zainul Gallery, Faculty of
Fine Art, University Of Dhaka.

2001: Group art exhibition, Alliance de Françoise, Dhaka.
2004:  Participated in 14th Young Artist Art Exhibition arranged by Shilpokola Academy,
2005:  Participated in 16th National Artist Art Exhibition arranged by Shilpokola Academy,
2005:  participated in contemporary water color Exhibition arranged by Cuwa Gallery,
2006:  Rambrat-400 art exhibition arranged by Netherlands Embassy at Gallery art & soul, Dhaka.
2008:   Group Art Exhibition at Weavers Studio Centre for the Arts, Kolkata, India,    Jointlty Organized by Weavers Studio Center for the Arts, India, Kolkata and   Bengal Galley of Fine Art, Bangladesh.
2008:  Watercolor Exhibition Named “400 years Of Dhaka”, at Zainul Gallery,
Faculty of Fine art, University Of Dhaka.
2009:  Printmaking Exhibition at Bengal gallery of fine art, organized by University of Dhaka and Bengal gallery.
2009: Watercolor Exhibition at Nepal by SARRC Country organized by watercolor
Society Nepal.

2010: Participated in 19th National  artist art exhibition arranged by Shilpokola  Academy, Dhaka.
2012: Group Art Exhibition at ASIATIC SOCIETY, DHAKA.
2012: Selected as a finalist for ART REVOLUTION TAIPEI, (Just Visit: http://www.arts.org.tw/2012/eng/result.html), International Art Completion, Taiwan.
2015 - 18 : Group Art Exhibition, JOLOJ- 1 to 4, at Alliance de Françoise, Dhaka.
2019: " Notun Dekha, Puran Dhaka" Group watercolor Show at Gallery Shilpangan , Lalmatia, Dhaka, Bangladesh
